How do I keep track of fleet maintenance?

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How do you keep track of your fleet maintenance?

If you're like most people, you have a whiteboard with a bunch of chicken scratch or sticky notes. If you're more advanced, you might have an Excel spreadsheet somewhere on your computer - or maybe shared in your office. 

If you have multiple trucks and more than one person responsible for them, this can be overwhelming to keep up with.

But how do you stay on top of it all?

It's time for an upgrade. Now there's an easier way: Fleet Command is simple-to-use fleet management software that can help you manage your inventory and track vehicle maintenance history in real time. 

With Fleet Command, all the information about each vehicle is stored in one place so that you can easily find what you need to know when it comes time to make decisions about maintenance and repairs - from anywhere. Your computer, your tablet or your phone.

In addition, Fleet Command alerts you when certain events occur (such as a needed oil change or tire rotation), you'll get an email with the details right away—no more guessing! If your inventory is running low, you will get notified about that too.

Getting up and running is fast. It takes a few minutes to get started. Within days you can have your entire team using a simple system to report and track maintenance and repairs.

Try it free for 30 days

(Absolutely, 100% free. We don't ask for any payment at signup.)